Over the past year IRO has been undertaking a Business Process Review in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of our services. The Review aims to increase the quality, efficiency and consistency of our ILARS and Solutions services and has seen us review our end-to-end business processes including:
- Reviewing our business processes to identify improvement opportunities.
- Implementing agreed improvement opportunities and associated improvements to Resolve and other ICT systems.
- Establishing a procedure for ongoing review, improvement and documentation of our business processes.
As part of this we are instituting a new Centralised Email Management (CEM) system. Currently Approved Lawyers communicate via email directly to an ILARS staff member. Beginning 23 March Approved Lawyers and their teams are requested to send emails to [email protected] when communicating with ILARS in relation to an existing grant of funding.
This simplified process means emails will move directly into our system without the need for manual handling. This will mean faster response times and reduce wait times when an individual ILARS staff member is on leave.
Approved Lawyers are requested to note and action the following process, beginning 23 March 2023, in communication to ILARS:
- Send emails [email protected] with the grant number (in the format of G/YY/NNNNN or C/YY/NNNNN) and the worker’s full name in the subject line. The reason for emailing should be contained in the body of the email.
- Please do not email or cc individual ILARS staff members directly.
- Please do not cc [email protected] when sending general case management emails to ILARS.
- When replying to emails sent from ILARS (eg Update Requests) please ‘reply to all’ in your response.
- Emails sent to a Principal Lawyer or Paralegal prior to 23 March will be uploaded by ILARS into the system.
- Please continue to contact your existing Principal Lawyer or Paralegal by phone with queries related to the management of a grant. All communication by email should be addressed to [email protected] for response by the Principal Lawyer or Paralegal.
This simplified process provides a consistent and time-efficient way to manage grants.
PLEASE NOTE that you should continue to send new applications for grant funding to [email protected]. Other general queries or changes to your contact details or law firm should continue to be sent to [email protected].
We seek to improve your engagement with IRO and encourage feedback. If you would like to provide feedback or require clarification on the new process please email Phil Jedlin, Director ILARS at [email protected]