IRO has uplifted its Case Management System making internal updates on 19 July 2024 to successfully manage enquiries on Early Solution (ES) and No Response to Claim (NRTC) made by Insurers and to strengthen data integrity of reporting such enquiries.
Insurers will continue to receive IRO's Notice of No Response to Claim template and a Notice of Early Solutions template, and the enquiries will be recorded as their specific case type, that is, NRTC are recorded as an ‘NRTC enquiry to an insurer’ and Early Solutions are recorded as an Early Solution enquiry to the insurer’.
What you need to know during this system update:
- There is no requirement for Insurers to change their way of working with the IRO.
- Maintain correspondence
- Continue to maintain the subject line of our emails to ensure there is no impact to our automatic upload process into our Case Management System
What is ‘No Response To Claim’ Enquiry and an ‘Early Solutions’ Enquiry in accordance to IRO?
- Funding to commence proceedings is requested in situations where the Insurer has not responded to a claim or request for review within timeframes and/or attempts to solve the dispute with the Insurer, have not been made or such attempts have not been successful.
- IRO may seek to engage with the Insurer in attempt to solve the outstanding dispute or claim, or to obtain a response from the Insurer.
When the IRO issue a Notice of NRTC, no complaint is recorded against the Insurer.
- The ILARS team at IRO identify an early opportunity for injured workers and insurers to solve a claim or dispute about a claim.
- The IRO may intervene in a matter the subject of a grant of funding where an opportunity arises for an early solution to a claim or dispute about a claim to be achieved.
- When an opportunity is identified, the matter is referred to Solutions to explore the matter with the Insurer.
When the IRO issue a Notice of Early Solutions, no complaint is recorded against the Insurer.
Consider the System Objectives and the Statutory Purpose of ILARS.
If you have any questions regarding the system update, please contact Troy McNaughton